Stalled, not Stopped

Someone asked if I stopped doing this blog and I guess I did stop but I didn't mean to. I just forgot how to write for it. I have done many QHHT sessions with amazing things being revealed in them, and I think I got used to amazing things and stopped thinking, omg, this is so cool I have to share it with everybody! And maybe I need to rethink what my role here is. Rethink what I can bring to other people, what I can offer. 

I have many amazing sessions with people, and also I have amazed myself by working on other methods of getting answers from the higher self. I have worked on scripts asking questions such as, what is my/your relationship to the various control structures that govern us? What do your chakras have to say to me/you? What do your body discomforts have to say to you? What does your very happiest future self look like? 

I stopped writing in this blog because I felt like I kept discovering some amazing things, spiritually, personally, all of that, but I don't feel like the kind of person to convey these messages. While I myself continuously discover super high vibrational, uplifting "truths", I get a bit cringey when I try to share them, because I don't identify as any kind of spiritual teacher. I like to maintain a street level perspective and communication style, but at the same time, I really do want to uplift people. 

When I started this blog, it was because I couldn't remember my password to my previous blog, Elisa of the Spirits. And it made sense to start anew anyway, because although those posts are for the most part hilarious, to me anyways, they don't reflect the work I've embarked on in the last 2 years. I'd still like to be hilarious and make myself laugh though. I have yet to find my voice where I can speak of spirituality with the reverence I actually feel for it but also the honesty and humour of being human. Or maybe I do have it. I just haven't been using it because....

Since becoming a QHHT practitioner I have felt pressure to have a persona that is all chill and open and like, you can tell me anything, you can trust me to give you the most amazing experience of your life with one of these sessions. It's not that I'm not those things, it's just that, in a session, I actually do put my personality aside as much as possible, to make room for the client. So, and I'm just realizing this here as I go, it makes me think that I shouldn't put too much of my personality in the work I do to promote the QHHT work. Which makes absolutely no sense as a blogger! 

Wow, I think I just made a breakthrough here. Stay tuned to see if that is true or not. You will know the answer if there is another post very shortly after this or not. 


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