Remote Hypnosis ~ Resilience and Holding the Light
In this Remote Hypnosis session segment, which is the second out of three sessions with the target of Puma Punku, the subject feels as though she might be in the Middle East. At the time of the session, there is a lot of action in that part of the world that is of great concern to her and many other people.
In the scene that she is looking at, she sees and senses the land symbolically representing the hard times the people had endured and then the better times, with the images of hard brown packed earth giving way to flowing water and grass.
My questions are italicized.
We're going to the target 2934b2, you're there now, tell me the first thing that you notice.
I think I see sand but I also felt like I saw a river.
Any colors associated with what you're looking at?
Brown, but I feel like I also see some green.
Are there plants growing around? What is the green?
Grass, yeah. Some grass, more like off to the side but first sand and browns, beiges. Maybe it's a village that has a little more colour.
Tell me what you notice about the village.
So, dirt floor first, in the brown area, like flat compact Earth, a little barren, deserty. Almost like a mirage, like you would walk up on a mirage where there's green and water off to the side. Don't know yet which one’s... if the other is real.
Tell me what you notice about the water.
It's flowing, it brings a sense of of happiness from the the barren part to, for me, feeling more like, there's some flush green and some flowing water.
What about yourself? If you look down, what do you see?
Sandals. A beige kind of skirt. Big feet.
Does the body feel male or female?
And on the upper part of your body, what are you wearing?
I would say cotton. Beige, brown, two toned. One layer is a darker brown and the one layer is lighter. I was feeling like maybe the first layer is lighter beige and the outer layer is a little darker brown.
Are you wearing anything on your head?
Yes, I feel like there could be a wrap of some sort.
Are you wearing any jewelry or other ornamentation?
I feel like I've got belts. They're sort of sashed in front, like, they go around more than once. Maybe something over the chest too, like across it. The sashes, the belt type thing, I would say, is cotton linen. I feel like there's a silver bracelet. A bangle, a plain bracelet but thicker, like a man would wear but big enough to fit over the hand.
What is the significance of the bracelet?
Religious, I feel like. It's an honorary thing, I feel.
Is it something related to a role you play?
Religious. Just, around the religion.
As you look around again tell me what stands out to you.
I see pathways. I don't see modern buildings as much. It could be though, further down. Not as much modern as bigger than the village type huts. I feel like I see straw. Chickens, I swear! [laughs]. Fences. So a bit of farm type things, maybe some ducks. Definitely chickens, happy, healthy, running free.
Are there any people around?
I feel like children are running around, They're happy, they're laughing, running, playing, giggling.
Do any physical features stand out about the children?
Dark hair is what I'm getting. Black hair, kind of a Middle Eastern look to them.
Is any one of these children of significance to you?
I'm seeing a boy right now, I am happy that he’s happy. It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job somehow, that people are feeling content somehow. And that brings joy to me.
Tell me what it is that you do, what is your job?
The first word that just came in is clergyman, but I'm not sure if that's correct. Something religious, so I don't know if I'd be using the right word for what they would be, but similar to a religious leader of some sort. But he seems good natured, seems to be revelling in the sounds of the water and of the children running and playing. Right now, it feels like that's really bringing him joy. But I feel like the sandy parts are like, harder times in a sense, and that the green is more like the direction in which they're heading.
I would say he's content at the moment from his walk. Feels peaceful, he feels content like they've been through something and, this very moment feels really peaceful to him like, we've come so far.
Let's go backwards to a time when the people there are going through something. You're there now, what do you notice?
Well, it feels like people are afraid for their lives. Feels like death. Feels like hunger. Feels like war.
Any images come to mind?
Swords. I almost feel like it's a sword with a curve, that's what I want to say. A sword with a curve, drawn. Needing to know how to protect themselves. I do see that perhaps the reason there's not a lot of men is that there are not necessarily a lot of men right now, not as much. They're on their way, at that time, they're on their way to mending that but that there's loss of men. And protecting. Lots of protecting more than them being the aggressors they would be more in protection mode, more of a peaceful people who would prefer to be in peace than fighting. It's not in their nature. But they'll do what needs to be done because they need to protect women and children.
What stands out to you about the threat itself?
A darkness to be honest, but, manipulation of some sort. It's a darkness like a seeping darkness too, right? That seeps through the cracks. That's manipulative in nature and is as dangerous in that form as it is physical.
In what way would the manipulation be a threat?
That whatever, it's like a cloud, in a sense. like a dark omen. Like a creepiness where, it creeps around. Innocence lost. I just see this creepy cloud that's just kind of going around corners like a low fog I don't know what that means but, it's kind of representing to me that it's just sneaky. It's sneaky. Whatever it is, is sneaky and it's hard to know how to combat it because it's fluid and sneaky and manipulative. I feel like there was some sneak attack first.
What do you notice about that?
That that's devastation, right? That there’s a lot of pain around, sadness, father's holding sons. Women crying loudly and in pain. The type of thing you would see where women, it's part of their ritual where they will mourn loudly.
Anything else from that perspective?
Perhaps that they were farmers and, they weren't prepared or trained as well in it or it wasn't as expected but that they rose to the occasion as best that they could. They definitely lost people but somehow things have gotten better.
Now I want you to move to a scene where there's an actual physical battle.
I feel like I it was a raid. Definitely a feeling of helplessness. Overpowered, but feeling pride, feeling like they’ll, they have a chance to fight back somehow but it won't just be physical it'll be mental as well. Somehow both things have to happen, because of the raids, but some kind of spiritual event is popping up in my mind.
Tell me how spirituality is involved.
That's part of the problem that they don’t, it's a spiritual warfare as much as a physical one. Yes, there are deaths but it's not like they want everybody dead. A spiritual component, of spiritual warfare, in a sense. Wanting to extinguish whatever they’re practicing in the temples. Not the rich temples, the other temples. The simplicity of realness behind it versus the extravagance.
So what is it that stands out about what they're doing in the the poorer, simpler temples?
It's just simpler, it's like, less is better. It's truly about the spirit versus the other one is more about show and dominance as they're sort of dominating the scene at the time. Unless it's taking away some of their moralness by trying to take away some of their, what they practice? Taking away that moral, like, you can't practice, it's against the rules, it's against… like at the beginning it doesn't feel like that's where it ended up, but, they definitely were trying to extinguish something about.. they didn't like the holiness of it, the true holiness of it versus, I want to say pagan, that's kind of coming up, pagan is the way this other way is going.
Is there anything that stands out about what the attackers specifically didn't like?
To kill the morality I think. Just to make them even more obedient. There’s just a lack of men in there though, which feels related to that. Like they may or may not all be coming back. To make them weaker.
How did it get from the attack to this time when it feels like things are going well?
The only thing that just popped in my head is good versus evil type stuff. Like, white light type stuff. While it might sometimes look and appear like it can be dominated, it always wins, for the most part, in the end. It exists when you're being your true self. so even if those people were a strong force at the time, that there were still people under, that maybe had gone under cover quietly who were still working for the light, but had to also meet the manipulation with manipulation to a certain degree, in order to show the darkness for what it was. And yeah, it was a lot of waiting and seeing and feeling like they, people, were afraid and feeling like these people were powerful, like you can't can't speak up, you couldn't be known for having those idealisms. You couldn't be known for siding with the light or you would then be punished. But they existed.
Did the attackers think they had won in a way?
Yeah like at some point the peace comes so it doesn't feel overly violent other than the initial attack. Then it feels like it's more a play in getting the right people in place and also making it so that it becomes more obvious, that the manipulation becomes more obvious in order to sway people. It's sort of like a mind thing in a sense, like the largest group is, you know, holding the power at the moment but there's this underlying more peaceful situation that is being pushed pushed pushed pushed pushed but they are too spreading slowly just more undercover. I just keep hearing, good outweighs evil, that's probably me projecting, but....
Anything else to note about that from the perspective that you have at the moment?
The green grass was really symbolic of the things getting easier from there, and the cooking, and the peaceful way that this man feels.
In some sessions, the subject sees one of their own past lives, but often they find themselves simply looking from the perspective of a person in a time and place that is appropriate for what we -- the subject, myself and the people reading this, need to see and hear about at this time.
At the end of the explorations of the land and the people on it, we call in the Higher Self to answer any further questions. Here the Higher Self addresses the theme of holding the light in times of darkness, encouraging us to continue to do so.
Do I have permission to ask questions of the Higher Self?
Yes you do.
What is important to know about the scene that we were looking at?
And why is it important to see that at this time?
That persistence, resilience, brings in the light in its own way. That helps keep each person’s reality in a place where they can manifest. Staying true to yourself and the inner knowingness. It may not always show, that it's having an effect, but over a period, it can have that effect slowly. That persistence and keeping the light in you, can keep the space that you're trying to create, even with the chaos around.
And why is that important for us to know at this time?
That's pretty easy. It’s because we're in similar times where things feel like they’re not, they're feeling overpowering and overwhelming. But, it's keeping simple, keeping balance, keeping within yourself. Holding that space has more of effect than we realize. It gives off a frequency that keeps you, and can become contagious as well, can, even if it's a small amount, can still expand by holding that space, can still expand and keep the darkness away even if it looks like it's becoming overpowering.
So these people that we were looking at, they were able to hold that?
Hold that space, even in the chaos that was happening around them, but also with the people actively trying to make them weaker for it, that holding that space has quite a bit of power. More to make the distance, to continue to keep something alive, to hold that space so that it can't completely engulf anything. With the knowingness inside that you have that. The shielding of the light that happens, when you can get into that place, can actually hold quite a space.
Were they able to do that over Generations then?
Does that culture still exist to this day?
I feel like it does, yeah.
Is there an area in the world that you see where they are?
I feel like it's the Middle East in general. Possibly with some of the stuff that's going on, I don't really know.
Does T have any relation to this culture that we're looking at, personally?
I don't believe so, other than feeling similar feelings.
Is there any that's important for T to know about this?
Continue to hold the light, continue to be the light, continue to find hope in that, that it doesn't need to be mass scale. Like, you can be the shining light as well, and that contributes to the light.
Is there anything else that's important for us to know about the scene that we were looking at today?
Keep trying. Keep trying.
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