Remote Hypnosis ~ A Messenger in the Jungle near Puma Punku

This is a session segment of a Remote Hypnosis session where we attempt to travel to the target of Puma Punku. It is the third session out of three with this location as the target, all with different volunteer "quantum explorers". 

This was conducted with my friend Reyes from Spain. She saw herself in a jungle in the Americas, as a man in a life of service, with a strong connection to nature.


What’s the first thing you notice?

It's dark. It’s a bit chilly. It's like, fire. There’s a fire, to get warm. Or a feeling, I just feel it. On the left side. I’m getting warm. It was chilly. I’m just coming from a chilly place, shivering a bit. 

I’m in a forest. Wow, my body is having goosebumps. I’m not quite sure if it is because I was shivering, it’s confusing. I’m feeling fine, I have a blanket on me. I’m feeling, like a wave, a sensation in my body. It’s good. I’m fine, I’m fine. 

It’s quite dark. There are people around but I can’t see faces. Not many, maybe a group of people. It’s not a place where they live, they’re just temporarily there. I just happened to find them. They are welcoming, I feel welcome. 

Are they familiar to you?


Now look down at your feet, are you wearing anything?

No. Bare foot.

Are you wearing anything on your body?

Yeah. I don't know what's that. I mean, it's like… it’s made of animal skin. I’m discovering my intimate parts. I’m a man. Yeah, I think I’m discovering my intimate parts. I'm wearing skin. And something like a vest. But it's all wet. I look a bit ridiculous. I'm young. I’m wearing something on my wrists and on my ankles. I'm wearing, like, ropes and cords. They are ornamental. Made by skin.

Are you carrying anything?

Well, the blanket.

Tell me what else you notice as you look around.

It's a fire pit there in the middle. There’s people. They are smiling. They are welcoming. Yeah, I'm kind of lost and I found some people. Welcoming. I'm just getting warm. I see it's dark, probably I'll be there for the night.

What stands out to you about the people?

I don't know, they are not many, two or three people. So, they are temporarily there. They look like me. 

How would you describe your features?

Indian. [Client’s note: I was from the Americas]  In the forest, it is quite wet and it's quite dense, so it's dangerous if I'm going around alone. That's why I'll be there, to be more secure, just happen to find them. Yeah, they are like me, they are from another town or place to live and they know I am from another place. So, we are neighbours let's say. And then they just told me, you stay with us. 

Let’s go back to just before you encountered these people, tell me what you notice.

Okay, I need to go somewhere, I need to give a message somewhere. I'm a messenger. I'm just having, sort of a quest. For me it is a quest because I've never done that. I need to give a message to someone else. I'm going to tell someone, yeah, from another place, a message. Okay, I’m having a message from the boss of my town to another boss of another town, I need to give a message. In the middle of the night I got lost. 

Tell me about where you are from.

Yeah, I'm living in a sort of town made of plants. Our houses are, like, everything is made from nature. Big leaves. And we build with leaves and trunks and sticks. We make it hidden a little bit. We are just living quite, not hidden, but we don't want anybody to know where we are. Just so we know we won't be attacked by another… yeah, discreet. We are discreet. We live that way. It’s the way.

Go to the place where you live and, from the outside describe it in as much detail as possible.

There are little cabins, they are nice, they are made from sticks, green sticks, flexible sticks. So we've made a wall, made from sticks and, like a textile, we made like a textile that we use as a wall, with sticks and leaves. We use ropes, it's all made by us. It's quite pretty and yeah, we used all the materials from the jungle.

See yourself going inside this place where you live and tell me what you notice.

Well we keep warm in those because we have the walls and then we have like, big leaves, we use big leaves like a ceiling, so we kind of feel warm there. Not always can we start a fire, not always. If it's raining we can’t, we just need to wait, so we can be protected.

Does it ever get cold there?

Yeah, but this is more than cold or hot, it’s like, it's raining all the time or not. Not really cold in itself, it's just like, when it's raining it's just annoying. Cannot set the fire. I cannot cook properly. We hunt and it's not that easy when it's raining. We are used to it though. We are used to the rain, it's not bothering us. 

Does anyone live with you in your house?

More than a house it's like a place to get covered because we cook outside. Cooking is for everybody. It's like a small group, we are in small groups. It's not a big town, it's just something like, quite temporary. We can build our house, our protective sort of place, easily and we can dismantle it easily. Somehow we don't stay for long any place, right? It's because we hunt, so you move. 

Let's move to when the head of the town is giving you the message, what do you notice about that?

That, oh now my body is getting goosebumps again. It's important, it’s an important message. It's about informing other people, another group that we know, where we are going. So we're going to move and we need to inform the others where we’re going. It’s our way to inform, it’s something that we do. We inform each other about our moves. It's a way to know that we are alive. Because there are animals that can, yeah, we need to, when we hunt. It’s an important thing. Sometimes we need help from others, sometimes we inform each other if we need to hunt some animal, some big thing. We know the jungle, we know all the noises, and if there is any animal that we need to be aware of, it's important for us to know where each other are so we keep informing each other. So that's something we do beforehand and I need to go to the other place. I’m young, so this has been my first time I go. It's just time for me. It's like, I'm grown up now, I can go on my own. I'm supposed to know where I'm going and you know, I got lost. Luckily I found some others that helped me. I've been lucky. Luckily, but for me it's a lesson. I need to be more aware. More aware. That's my lesson. Of my surroundings. 

I was on my own. I was thinking in my thoughts, you know the young people, distracted. I was distracted. But I need, you have to be very aware because danger can be very close to you in a form of an animal so you need to keep track of where you are going. The moon or, just keeping the track of where you're going in order not to go in circles or losing the direction. This is jungle. Sometimes you don't see even the Moon. That’s my lesson, I need to be more aware of my surroundings and yeah like, switch on my radar.

Now I want you to move forward to the next morning after you got lost. You're there now, tell me what you notice. 

Wow, Goosebumps again. Yeah nice, I feel good. I feel, yeah, I'm packing. I’m just preparing myself to go. The guys help me to redirect. These guys have been helpful. They're like, two or three, three yeah. They go on their way I go on my way. I don't know where they’re going, but they’re coming from that place I'm going. Oh, okay, that's been my luck! So, they tell me where I have to go. I happen to find someone from the other place, right. It's not far. They tell me how to go.

It's not far. It's just, I know this time I'm going to be aware. I'm willing to be aware now. It’s still like, you don't see because it's quite dense, the forest. I don't happen to see the sun. It's like, some light, but I know the direction. It's easy to get lost for a person that is not used to it, but I know where I'm going, the direction. So I'll keep that. You need to have, like, a good visual memory so you don't lose the track. So you learn to visualize everything around you, the surroundings, and then you go and now I know. They tell me I'll find this and that, little, you know, little things like water running here and there, they guide me to go to the place. The thing is, you just need to put your point in a direction like north or south or something, that way you don't have any reference you just need to go to a direction and don't get distracted by any other thing. It's like a lighthouse. You need to go to the place and look up, look up. sometimes you need to look down too, you see where you are putting your feet on, but you need to look up in order to know what's around. That's the point. Yeah, doing that, you'll find you don't lose track. It’s the way.

Now move forward to the time where you have arrived at your destination.

Oh wow, it's like, oh smile, smile. I'm happy. I see kind of light. It's a place where there's not that density of trees or canes, this is more open, more open and nice. They’re welcoming me, I give the message and just say the message, we're going to move. In order to, yeah we need to move and see if we can find more food. We move for food. I just let them know where we are going. I'll stay there for the day. I need to come back and that's going to be another thing for me, but I know I'm going to find my way back, so I'm confident now. I'll be able to keep my track.

Tell me what you notice about their town, is it similar to yours?

It is similar, although they do seem to be a bit more stable because their place is nicer. It's more open. It's not that dense so you can see more the light, the sun, or the moon when it's night. It's like an open place in the middle of the forest so they're kind of more stable. So we are saying to them where we are going just to let them know.

What do their structures look like? Are they similar to yours?

Yeah they do that, they do the sort of thread, they thread. Their houses are made of, like a thread with leaves and sticks and then big leaves are covering the ceiling, you know, the roof. Yeah, they are bigger, they are nicer but they are made the same way. We’re just going to move to another place but they look fine there. Maybe they have, you know, what they need. They don't need to move.

Is the language that you speak the same as theirs?


Is there anything else that stands out to you about this place or this journey?

We just I mean, we just tell them, where we are going is to find food. In a way, we are looking for to hunt some kind of animal, so we are informing them and yeah, because we might need help. These animals are quite dangerous like panthers or things like that. I don't know, but they are like felines.

Move to another important day and tell me what you notice.

We are sitting down in a circle. There's no fire, we just sit down. We just sit down in silence. Looking down. Meditating or something.

Who's there with you?

We might be the whole settlement, the whole tribe, let's say. Everybody's there around the fire. Most of the people. Not the children, the adults. We are there, we are having like, a ritual. Oh! Goosebumps. The ritual is, yeah we're calling Mother Earth. We are grateful. It's a way of thanking, a way of being thankful.

And what are you doing?

There’s a drum, boom boom boom boom boom. Nice. And that's helping us too. We’ve been in ourselves being thankful. We're sort of in trance with ourselves, with the drum. We’re intimate, it’s a way of being thankful for what we have, to Mother Earth and it's a special moment and special ritual for all of us. It's like the drum, you can do anything you want. You can sing, some people sometimes sing with respect. If someone wants to sing it's like ah [ singing…] It doesn't need to mean anything it’s like language, anything that comes up we just flow, flow. Whatever.

Can you describe the drums?

The drum is made of rope, made of leaves that have been braided and then animal skin and there’s like a round, it’s like a round sort of wooden structure. It's round but it's it's made of a trunk. You know there are some trunks that are flexible. So it's made of leaves and flexible trunk. It's leaves that have been braided, to make them stronger so we do that to put together things. Braided leaves, long leaves, long leaves. so we do like a braid, then we use that, it’s stronger to wrap up stuff or in this case to wrap up to make the structure round and then we use it as well for the animal skin, to get tense so you need to tense it when it's wet. So you make the animal skin wet and then the structure and then you make holes, then you pass through the braided leaves and then you fix it all together. So you need to kind of sew with those leaves that are braided so you can tense it so you make a really nice drum and it sounds good. But there is a technique, I’m just telling you roughly. And then we do that with a stick as well. To make the sound with the drum stick we need to find a nice stick otherwise you can break the skin. We put a stick with a piece of the same skin and the leaves inside so you have like a little bowl wrapped up around the stick so the sound is better and you protect. We are quite knowledgeable in what to use. We know what type of plant that is going to help us for this or for that.

What else do you notice about this ritual?

We are just just thankful to Mother Earth. It's an intimate sort of thing. People, you know…  we're drunk mhm, we’re drunk that's why! [laughs] I mean, okay,  I'm feeling good right now. Right, okay, we’re drunk. And then we feel, we had a kind of feeling more in nature and connected and we are thankful. Yeah. 

Tell me about what you drink. 

It’s a compost, women do that. Yeah, a compost of leaves and stuff, they do that. We are higher, we are higher. We’re connected with mother nature, we’re thankful and yeah, we are connected, we are just feeling another place. Lighter. And we are thankful. It's a ritual for us and it's intimate but it's all together. People sing, they do aaah [sings] I don't know what they say I don't know what they say it's like [sings without words] and like a chant. Encantico. They just happen to say whatever might be, a type of language. They kind of know, I don't know, it just sounds good. And the drums, the drum is helping us to get in the place. That's great, we like it, yeah, we do like this.

Now move forward to the last day in this life that we're looking at, what do you notice?

I just happen to be, I lay down I'm old, I’m old. I'm in the cabin, someone is around there. I'm just old. I'm tired, I'm just tired. It's just time for me to go. I taught the young people which I was supposed to do. I ran ceremonies or rituals which is something as a man I was supposed to do. I just achieved everything I was asked to do and I've done everything. I'm okay with life, I'm okay with going. I'm okay, it’s my time.

What do you notice as you take your last breath?

I have a feeling of completion. Maybe a woman, I haven't been with. Look, that's the only thing, I was supposed to do other things. I was being a messenger. I was given responsibilities and that was dangerous and that was probably the reason why I didn't want to commit. Because that way I can be of service better. So there's no possibility for me to get emotion or something like that. I would have liked to have a family like Mom had. I just didn’t. 

What was the main theme of that life? 

That life, it was for, how to be of service and he was of service. He was just being educated to be a person in service, a messenger. He was like, a good student and learned a lot of lessons and then he was a good teacher for others. They were running rituals like a shaman. Shamans sometimes don't want to get involved with emotions of family. Love. He’s missing that. I mean, it's a human thing and it's lovely but he doesn’t, he just chose just not having that. He could, but you need to deal with that. You choose to do it or not. 

What was the lesson learned from that life? 

The lesson is just that. It's like a monk, monks don't want to have a human connection, a loving human connection with anybody because it is quite low. Or, there are wrong beliefs. You can have experiences and connections if you are human. You are having a human experience, that's why. Human Experience is all, it involves everything. If you want to have a Divine experience you can have a Divine experience being human. So you don't need to choose. You can be a human having a Divine experience and then you can have a human experience as well. You don't need to choose one or the other, you can have everything. That's the lesson really. Because he was lacking, he was missing that part, he made a sacrifice and you don't need to. That's the lesson, you don't need to.


  1. Thank you for sharing, a beautiful message from the messenger.


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