Remote Hypnosis ~ Shuruppak and the Great Flood

These Remote Hypnosis sessions are done with volunteer hypnosis subjects, using past life regression methods, in an attempt to view ancient civilizations. In this session, the target location is the ancient Sumerian city of Shuruppak. The land was destroyed by the Great Flood.

In this session, the subject finds herself in a land which is flooded, and observes the emotional reaction of the land itself.


What do you see?

I've gone somewhere. Travel. By plane. I'm going to some place that has old buildings. Interesting architecture. 

Tell me what you notice. 

A church. Stone, ornate. 

Any shapes or symbols stand out? 

There are spires. Pointy rooftops and very sculptural but very Gothic looking, so, sharp points and ornate. 

What is it about this church that's important to know?

What is it really… I am here to understand what it is and it's not what it seems to be.

How do you receive the information of what it really is?

I've touched it.

And what did you notice about that?

I'm not wanting to go in. It's not inviting. There's something dark about it. I think it wants me to go in but I don't want to go in. But there's something to learn here. 

I'm going around the church. There’s lots of black on the stone. Maybe it was a fire but I can't tell but it may be a fire. 

I think the church represents both, a duality. It’s been used for goodness and it's been used for darkness and now it's currently in a, not a healthy state. 

I'm now ready to go in but I am going in different doors than I was at to begin with, because it was a large opening and now I'm in behind it. And there's wooden doors and I feel okay about going into these doors so I'm opening those doors.

What do you notice as you go through the doors?

It's in an area that has a very very very high ceiling but it's in the back of of the building. There are shelves around the room. The room is empty, but it must have had something in it at one time. 

There's a hallway on the side with stairs going up. I'm going to go up the stairs. It’s long, long stairway and I'm guessing it's going up to one of the spires. And now I'm up at the top and I'm looking out around the church from that spot. 

I can see a really long distance. There are many structures all around. There are different structures and there's also, a kind of cavernous place not too far away. Like, some kind of rock wall. It looks like there's been maybe a river down below it, that might have created at one time this big wall, I can't really tell if a river is down below somewhere or not but it looks like at one time it was eroded and there's interesting formations around the, on the rock face due to what I would think would have been water. Like under the water at one time. 

It was used for something, it meant something. Maybe it was a place where people had lived or maybe it's a place…

Is there anyone living around there now? 

Not that I can tell.

Is there anyone living around the church? 

Yeah I think there's other structures but I can't see people. I don't know if this place might be kind of abandoned. At first I thought it was in a city but now I don’t. Maybe it was an old city that no longer is. 

What does the landscape look like? Any trees or other vegetation?

There's not big trees like here, [where we currently live] more, a little more dry. And shrubs. Or different, a drier climate. 

Do you sense that the land surrounding the river was different at some point?

Mhm [yes]. It was different. And I'm looking, I've walked up to the edge and I do see that there's a river down below. So, part of the ridge I can see from the other side, then part of it is lower, where I’m standing. 

How was it different in that area?

I think there was lots of water there at one time. Maybe that's why the town isn't really a town anymore. Maybe it was water, maybe it was flooded. The river is really far down below now. I can't get to the water easily. 

How does it feel to be on that land?

It feels like, that it, that the land, the land asked me to come. 

For what purpose? 

To observe, to see. 

What did it want you to see? 


Where's the sadness, from the land itself?


What do you notice about that sadness? 

That it's changing. The darkness is lifting. There was a cleansing. The river, the water. The water can heal and is very powerful. 

Is the cleansing still happening as you're there looking at it?

Mhm, but, the Deep Waters have are gone now. But there's loneliness there because no one’s there. 

Why would the land want you to witness it?

Something, something I'm supposed to do or figure out. I have to figure it out. I don’t know. I thought it had to do with the church but the church is not it. The church was just a gateway, or an opening. It's something else but I'm not sure. 

Is the land aware that we are observing it through time and space? 


Why does it want to be seen at this time?

They needed me to come there. I know that.

Is there anything else that stands out to you about that scene? 

Something to do with the animals, and now I'm seeing some animals. They're coming back. They’re coming back to the area. I think the animal that I saw was like a possum. But yeah, this place has not had the animals because it was so damaged. And now animals are coming back. Maybe that's why I’m here.

Let’s move back to the time when there was damage being done to the place, tell me what you notice.  

It's flooding, everything is flooding. Everything is underwater.

What is the purpose of this flood? 

There were things happening that that needed to go. There were people there, but I don't see because I'm seeing the flood part. I don't see any people but I see that there were people there. 

The waterway has risen so wherever the water is coming, is coming in and flooding this whole area. I'm trying to find how it's coming in, if someone is involved, if people are involved, or if it’s natural.

Let's move to the source of the flood and you can see what is causing this flood. Tell me what you notice. 

Yeah, I see that there are people that are purposely putting extra water into this area and I can't understand why. I can’t, I'm not clear what their intent is, if it's good or bad. I feel like they think they're doing the right thing. They believe they're doing the right thing but I don't necessarily agree with it.

They're telling me that they have to do it. They're saying it's actually what is meant to be or what nature will do anyway. They believe that they're doing good but I don't see it in the same way. 

What would cause you to see it differently? 

The destruction. Trying to understand how goodness can come from that.

As we focus back on the land itself that is being flooded, how does it feel about the flooding as it’s happening? 

I see, mixed, I feel that it's not just one way, it's not just good and it's not bad, it's both. It's serving a purpose which is maybe what these people are trying to tell me. But at the same time it's causing death. 

They believe that they’re doing the right thing, probably for their Community. I don't know if they're related to the church that I saw but I think they feel that that church has got something wrong with it and that it needed to be cleansed, moved, something. The energy needed to go and that's what they did to move it, to flood.


After we explore the land, I request to speak to the Higher Consciousness of the subject, in order to get a higher perspective of what we have just witnessed. 


What was important to know about the church, the land and the flood that you showed us today?

I don't think it's now, it's another time. It's to understand destruction and the duality of it. 

Is there anything else that that land wants us to know at this time? 

That it's going through a cycle and that it needs to be allowed to do that. It’s being transformed. It's okay to let go of some pieces of it because it may not… something about expectations or about not holding on to the way it was and allowing it to become something else.


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