Remote Hypnosis ~ Energy of the land at the target of Puma Punku

The theme of the land reflecting and being affected by the actions and emotions of humans runs through the three Remote Hypnosis sessions with this target of Puma Punku in Bolivia. 

After blindly heading to the target, which is known only as code 2934B2 at the time of hypnosis, the subject finds himself feeling intense emotions towards the land. He then comes to terms with it after observing his own growth in wisdom in his life, and is able to see the bigger picture and purpose for both the negative and positive energy that the land goes through. 

I did three very cool sessions with this target which illustrate so much wisdom, and I am so excited to eventually share all the information that came through. But for now, here is a small excerpt and introduction to one of the sessions. 

You are now at the target of 2934B2. Are you inside or outside? 


What do you notice?

More of a feeling than… 

Tell me what you feel.

Like almost, something almost like contempt.

Is there anyone around you that you feel this contempt for?

No, it’s not towards a person, it’s the place.

Where are you feeling the contempt? 

My face, left hand side. It’s like, hard to describe. It’s almost like, it’s almost like the place isn’t, it's not the right word but, worthy. It's almost as if this place isn't worthy. But even then, it's not the right word. Just being here feels, just unworthy. The place feels…

Are there any other emotions you would associate with it?

I wouldn't say disgust that's too strong but almost like, unclean. Almost as if the place is dirty. It's hard to describe exactly.

Any other words that come to you?

Unease. It feels like, it’s almost specifically to my left is where I feel that, the contempt and the unclean. And not so much on the right at all but it's on the left side, that's where it's coming from. 

And is there a shape to it? 

As I look ahead, it’s like a cliff. Ahead is like a cliff and it goes, it's kind of ground level. It's almost forest like up ahead. I’m looking at the cliff face but it’s, you can’t, you couldn't climb it from here, it’s just a straight drop from where I'm looking but it's not just in front, it’s like a big rock wall, it's far enough ahead. That's all one big rock wall and it stretches out to the right and it curves towards me.

And if you look to the right, is there anything else you notice?

To my immediate right is just forest and trees up ahead. To the right is kind of, oh yeah, just a river between, a river close enough up ahead, separates from where I am now to the other side. It's like, I couldn't even get near that cliff face that was on that side. 

Are there any emotions that you sense from the right side? 

No no, nothing, no. But the left….

And what about yourself, do you sense a body?


Look down at your feet tell me what you notice. 

Tan feet, quite big. 

Is there anything on your feet? 

Actually not. I'm barefoot, but I have, like, string wrapped around my toes on both feet. It's wrapped around the the base of my toes. It goes around the base of all the toes.

What is the purpose of the string?

The sense is, it almost divides the feet. I kind of get a better sense of it now. The toes almost act as guides, or even antennas, whereas the rest of the foot is like the medium for movement. The toes are almost like a brain, the rest of the foot, the body, the means of going somewhere. That's the purpose of the string which divides the toes from the rest of the foot.

Do the toes get information from somewhere?

Yes, yes. As you walk upon the Earth, the toes in particular, the rest of the feet do too of course but the toes are the, the function is a bit different. They're very much a guide. So the information comes, mainly up through the Earth as one walks upon it, and this is absorbed, but the toes also assist in guiding the direction. 

The body is a strong healthy body. Male. Older. Not old, but older. 

Is there anything else covering the body? 

Yes. Animal skin. A lightish kind of colour.

Any accessories or jewelry?

Yes. On my right wrist there's a link of small stones. The stones signify strength and connection to all that is. It was passed down to me by my grandfather, my father’s father. It has been around for quite a while. It has great power. It’s what's done. It's given to the youngest in the family so that they may use it. That's what is done. 

How is it used?

It is worn on the body and spoken to and listened to and connected to. And trusted. 

When it is listened to, what things are heard?

You can hear everything, but only that which you need or wish to hear.

So would you ask it a specific question and get an answer?

One could. We never felt to do this very much.

Why is that?

It gives answers without asking. We often use it to communicate with weather and the Earth Spirits.

How does it work?

It carries the energy, and then, all that’s needed is the intent.

What else do you notice about the body?

Dark hair. A deep scar my face. Beside my nose, to the left side. 

What happened to cause the scar? 

An animal. When I was younger. I was lucky to get away from the animal. I didn’t have the stones then. I know I was being watched over by the Earth Spirits. They calmed the animal. It was frenzied but they calmed it down. I'm grateful. 

Why was it important for them to watch over you?

Because it wasn't my time to go yet. It's not my time to go yet.

Ok, so now I would like you to look or feel to your left again, into this land that you had this feeling of contempt for, and tell me what you notice now?

It is changed.

How so?

I feel more at peace with it all. Acceptance.

What was it that you couldn't accept before?

Lost touch. Tuned back in.

Let’s go back to when you lost touch, and tell me what what you're noticing?

I was in touch with the land energetically, but I didn't have the depth of understanding of the roles of the energies.  

Can you describe some of the energies and their roles?

The land to my left, before, there was a lot of negative energy soaked into the land from bloodshed. So, I could feel the energy off that.

Was there a role that the land was playing or that the negative energy was playing?

Yes, everything has a role. I didn't fully understand it.

And now do you understand it? 

Yes, more than I did. It just is. Flow, it’s all the energies in between, not just positive and negative. All the shades in between. One can't exist without the other. And so they cycle, back and forth, different times, different stages, simply because they are. That is all.

Okay is there anything else from that perspective that stands out?

No. I feel more accepting. 

More information on Hypnotic Dream Lab's Remote Hypnosis Project


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