Conversation with Dolores Cannon

When we facilitate QHHT sessions, we are encouraged, if we need energetic help when things get a little sticky, to ask Dolores Cannon for help. It can be like, going inward and asking, what would Dolores do in this situation? And then you would listen for her voice and allow it to come through to ask the next appropriate question, in order to move a session forward. 

We can also ask her for help in other situations, whenever it feels appropriate. Recently I asked for her help with this project I have been working on with Andreea and Ania. I imagined her sitting down talking, almost as if holding court for more than just myself, but, I started with personal questions, relating both to my current personal circumstances and my work. It then opened up to things that other people may be curious about.

She showed up with some marvellous advice to get started on organizing the material that we have been gathering in this project. It is all coming through hypnosis sessions which attempt to combine remote viewing with past life regression hypnosis and quantum healing. Here is a LINK for more information about the project and Hypnotic Dream Lab. I will be adding more of that content in this blog soon. 

The following is what I heard Dolores say, as if she were just chatting, sharing her wisdom, and which I wrote down, leaving out some of the more personal stuff here.

Dolores: “The first thing you need, is a question. What happens if we try to combine remote viewing with quantum hypnosis and past life regression? That’s an important thing to say, past life regression, rather than (just) quantum hypnosis. So, ok. Then, what did you ask next? Are we able to heal the land that we’re viewing? And you see that yes, this is possible. Are you asking, am I sure about this technique? Well, as long as you are doing this work and reporting, you obviously have a great amount of faith in it. Right, this is faith. Trust. Curiosity. And here, you are always getting a little more than you asked for. You dare to take a leap, and you are now in a completely different, well slightly different, place than you imagined you would be. You were going to record the process of remote viewing. And now you want to record the process of revealing hidden information. Revealing that there is much hidden information that you aren’t even allowed yet to see! This is exciting! Makes you want to learn more, doesn’t it. So, the next question is, what do I do with this information? Not in terms of organizing it for the project, but, the information that is coming through, what am I doing with it, in my life? What can one do with it? Well then sure, the answer is, everyone does what they can at the level of awareness they have. That’s not even completely true, because one might not be aware that they have shifted. They will read this, and they will micro shift. And the micro shifts, which are what often occur from qhht sessions, are not very noticeable at the time. You can say, well, it was an interesting journey, but I don’t feel like it healed me in any way. And then you go about your life, and meanwhile, there are all these tiny decisions you make throughout your days following. To choose this, or this. And guess what? Those decisions add up. They slowly but surely change your life onto a new course, one that you wanted, one that your higher self wanted, but, it happens in such small ways you think, oh I’m just doing this, it’s great. And you can be totally unaware that when you chose to undergo the QHHT session, and be open to a reworking of your systems, of your energy, well of course you’re still you when you wake up. You still have your personality for better or for worse, but there is something different. You are now on your new course. And so it will be, with this work. Some people will see the contribution you are making. Others will be completely blind to it, as you know, as you were shown (in a session). 

Well, what’s next? This is good, this is fine that we can work together like this. You’re not doing it the same as I have. Write a trilogy if you need to. You’re doing fine. You will have some beautiful work to share. The details. You’re getting physical details of places. Habits, you’ve noticed some habits. A young shaman getting lost in the jungle. Remember to observe where you are, be aware, so that you don’t get lost again. What else, what other details? That some people have been aware of sky people in the past. Civilizations have been aware of extra terrestrial involvement, very much aware. Now we are not so aware, it is very overwhelming to think of for most people. They are simply unaware of it. Others are aware of it as a matter of fact, such as yourself, even though you have never seen it or experienced a conscious interaction with a sky person, we’ll call them. Sky person. 

What else? See? This is all very interesting information as is. You will see, if you remember, or look again at my books, they are almost entirely transcripts. I don’t spend too much time talking about my experience, only what matters. You could mention that you found some people to work with through social media. Sure. You don’t have to explain that is was divinely guided, but you could. You can also question what divinely guided means. That’s interesting. We are definitely guided by those on the other side. It’s not necessarily the people like the healers (from a session), that are guiding. It’s the one that talks after, the higher consciousness that is knowing what is happening. But now, we need to make shifting a normal every day thing. We need to make it understandable, sexy even.” 

I want to hear you say that again in your voice. [I’m listening to hear her say “sexy” and I think it’s funny.] It sounds very awkward when you say it. 

“Well, let me say it another way, attractive. Cool. Hip. Groovy. Dope. Do you say that? [Laughs]. It sounds like you’re on drugs, but ok. But, we need to make it normal, I guess is the thing. As Suzanne talks about, this is the way of the future. But you can still assist. No one is going to do this on their own. As Andreea said, the time for doing things on your own is over. 

One more thing, you’ve done this before. You’ve led people to find their own answers within, haven’t you. Yes, this is the teaching. This is the core teaching. Everything else is cultural, how to make it work in a world as it is now. How to make a product that you can sell, do it the same every time, yes. And you are reinventing that.”

I had to get up and make some lunch for myself so I asked her if we could take a break. She said sure, we could break for lunch now. Even during the break I could imagine what she would have had for lunch if she were in a physical body, as though I couldn’t break the connection. As soon as I was finished and ready to write again, she continued, as if she could talk forever, if there were someone listening.

“So your road, your experiences, are gold. Your gold may be filled with drug addiction and whatever else you come up with to challenge you, and you see, this is your gold. Because then when you have that under your belt and you’re ready to move forward, if it hasn’t killed you, well, it really does make you stronger. And by stronger it means, you have experience, you have perspective. And you can be compassionate to others. Especially once you learn to be compassionate towards yourself. Now, this is the big thing that many people struggle to understand. That compassion to oneself is the fundamentals of having compassion for others. So go ahead and beat yourself up for a time, and when you’re ready, you can let that go and allow something more for yourself. Allow yourself to experience grace. There is so much of god, we’ll call it god’s grace, in the world. Infinite amounts, in fact, it’s always there, it’s never not there. It’s just a matter of, are you ready to let it in. If not, fine. But if you are, it’s there. And it may break your heart open to see it, to allow yourself to experience, and it may seem like pain for a while, until you realize it’s just energy. And hypnosis can help you with this. To realize it’s just energy, and it’s your interpretation of it that is either suffering or bliss, that makes it so. Ok so, even judgement, yes we are working towards understanding judgment for the lower level tool that it is, the lower consciousness tool, yes, it has had value, but as you move up in frequency, in understanding, into more light, you will realize that it has no place there. None at all. Discernment, yes. Checking in with your intuition, your body, your knowing, yes. Do I feel great about doing this in this moment? No, I need something else. And now, do I feel great about doing this? Yes! See? It wasn’t right or wrong, bad or good, it was either appropriate in the moment or not. Ok. Next question. Or topic.” 

Could you please discuss the new earth, since you’re the one who got us into all this?

Sure, I’d be delighted. The new earth is consciousness, and it is here. It is already here. You’re looking to suddenly walk into a mirage of lush vegetation and everyone living in rainbow harmony with one another and all the bad guys taken down, or something like that. You all have an idea of what a new earth should look like. Give me an example, and be honest." 

Ok, I still feel like I’d like a small amount of friction, because, I think maybe there is a law of friction in the universe, and I would still like to use it, to make something new. 

“What else?” 

It is already here, I don’t think it’s something out there. [Not sure if it’s me or her saying this] It is so much already here. We still have time, we’re still in physicality. Things are speeding up from thought to action to materialization, it’s happening much faster. 

“Is this not evidence? You thought, and maybe I thought as well, that it would be a bit different. Well, it’s happening. If you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Open your heart. I could say open your eyes, but, really it’s, open heart. It’s similar though. Ok. So, did I answer that? We could go on and on about that, there are many different ways to say it, to see it. If you are going through something deeply painful now, you might not believe it, but, you are probably initiating into the new earth. You need to let go of your attachments to the past. To how you defined yourself and your needs in the past. Because that is holding you back to only seeing the old earth. The new earth is already here, but you are focusing on the old earth. So you see? It really is in the eye of the beholder. Are you new? Can you allow yourself to transform into something that you couldn’t even previously imagine? It takes a lot of courage to go there, to allow that. But that is what it means to move into the new earth. And you will get there. If you have to go kicking and screaming, so be it. But you will get there. Some people pass over to help others get there. Nothing is wasted, no death, no tragedy is wasted. We all have a role to play in this evolution of sorts. But it’s not the linear evolution that they talk about where we came from a rat or a monkey, it’s an evolution of consciousness, and the whole earth is moving up. Listen to the trees. Listen to the individual blades of grass. They know. Ok. That’s all for today. I might come back in an hour and you’ll say, I thought that was all for today, but, for me, it could be years later, because of course, time is not linear, we don’t have to build some device to hook ourselves up to in order to time travel back, either. That’s so funny. Because you see, it’s so simple. Everything is within. Time travel, healing, answers, it’s all there. Human technology, I suppose, is what we came here to advocate for, all of us helpers, you could call us. From across galaxies, universes even, seeing a light and knowing we could make it brighter. Nobody benefits from an extinguished light such as the light that humans are.”


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