Putting Away Books at the Akashic Library

Have you ever wondered what you do between physical incarnations? Well, I am very curious about such things, and luckily, with my QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis technique) work, I sometimes have the opportunity to find out. 

While the client is in a relaxed trance state, I will have them explore a past life, right up until their death in that life. Afterwards, I will sometimes ask where they go next. Often a person will hop into another lifetime, and off we go with that, but occasionally they will get a glimpse of what happens after the death and before they are born again into another body. 

Recently, a QHHT client was exploring a very difficult life, where she was a man living in the middle ages, who carried many heavy rocks, ate very poorly and generally lived a life of servitude. His most exciting day was when he was chosen to be part of a hunt, with a group of people that would bang in the bushes in order to frighten out the wildlife. He himself was not allowed to hunt though, because of the social hierarchy, and sadly, he never got to eat any of the meat. 

After that lifetime, when I asked the client where she went next, she revealed some interesting information. Of course the first thing she needed to do after that exhausting lifetime was to rest. But then she surprised me by talking about the jobs she did, one of which was to work in the Akashic Library. 

Following the session when I wrote to ask her for permission to share this segment of her session, I referred to it as “the part where you work as a librarian.” 

She graciously replied, “I wasn't a librarian up there. More like a filing clerk. In the library system I used to work in, here on earth, the job title was Library Page. Librarians on earth have to have at least a Masters degree in Information Sciences. I sensed levels of protocol in the akashic library. It had more to do with spiritual development and wisdom than any kind of degree. Those that could read their book were pretty up there.” 

So here, I will share segments from her session, with me asking the questions and she answering them while in a trance. 

After exploring the difficult life of servitude all the way through the death of the man from ill health, I am curious where she goes next. 

So where do you go after that?
“I’m trying to … I need rest from that one. I need lots of rest. I need to go … There are two beings that are going to take me to a place to rest.” 

What do you notice about them? 
“I’m seeing through the eyes of that medieval person, so they’re like angels that would be drawn on the church wall.” 

Do they have names? 
“No, not that I know of … It’s not exactly like a Christian heaven, but the angels are like that. It’s just an in between. It’s actually quite dark, like, dark clouds, soft velvet dark clouds.” 

Is this where you rest? 
“For now. I can rest and I might get a job here later.” 

What kind of job would you do? 
“I can sing. Sing stars. I’ve been there before and I’ve done it before, I can … this is abstract … I can help with the records.” 

Your singing helps? 

It’s a different job? 

How do you help with the records? 
“It’s the big library. Just like the little library, I put things back in the right places.” 

Can you give me an example of something you would put back? 
“Someone looking in the Akashic record, that is permitted to look at it, but leaves it out for one of us to put back, in the right place.” 

And have you looked at your akashic record? Do you have a book? 
“I can’t look at my own book.” 

Can you look at anyone else’s? 
“I could but I don’t know if I’d understand it. I don’t know if I’m…  Oh. We’re at hierarchy again… No, not hierarchy, mastery.” 

So why can’t you look at your own? 
“You’re not supposed to know. You’re supposed to go in and out of the world blind.” 

What else would you do? 
“I might sing.” 

Who would you sing for? 
“All the stars. All the nebulae, I sing them into being. They sing back. It’s the sound that moves creation. … I miss it so bad!… [crying]. .. I miss it so so bad! … Some things are so incredibly beautiful. Like the singing, like the stars, like the library. But I have such a hard time… Finding it here or maintaining it. Not finding a lot of love. Although there is, I know, because the singing is all about love, the sound, it’s all about love. I don’t know if I’m blocking the love or this is just the (current) life that doesn’t have a lot in it.”
As a client’s trance state deepens throughout the QHHT session, I am able to call in their Higher Consciousness to ask questions of that part of them that easily answers their otherwise difficult to answer questions. 

Why did you choose that lifetime to show her? 
“It’s about work. That person worked to death almost. It resonates with what she feels about all she had to do around her mom’s passing.” 

It felt like a lot of work?
“Beyond what she thought she could live through.” 

Why was it important to show her that lifetime? 
“That it happens. It happens many lifetimes. The soul gets through though." 

Anything else you want to tell her about that lifetime?
“How to say it…? Times, eras, in places, countries have developed systems. Whether it’s feudal lords or corporations, and souls get caught up in them. Bodies, souls, over time. 

What is the purpose to experience being caught up in that?
“Whether you’re going to change it or not. Whether you’re going to follow the rules or not." 

So that’s always a choice?
"Yes and no. Depending on the strength, but strength is not a good word… Creativity? Of the soul involved. But, it’s not easy. Some are examples of injustice, to get everybody waking up.”  

She was saying that that man in that life wasn’t even aware that it was an option to leave it. 

Why was it important to show her the roles of the librarian and the different jobs she has?
“[Laughs] … She knows there’s more than here on Earth. But it’s sort of… maybe it was wrong, not wrong. Oh, words… it was a bit like teasing to show her that. I’m sorry.” 

To show her that? 

Will it help her in some way? 
“To know that there’s rest, yes. But, it’s a delicate thing, to know that there’s more. But it’s also, I showed that there’s more lifetimes. You have to do a lot before you read your own book.” 

Tell me more about that.
“The work. The work to join to the bigger sense of time, to get the core of the wheel of lifetimes perspective, is… minds must change, bodies must change, learning must happen.” 

If she were to read her own book, what would she notice about it?
“Well she couldn’t, it wouldn’t make sense, it wouldn’t look like anything. …It will come. It all comes eventually.” 


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