Human Technology ~ The Ability to Create

We are creators. Because we mostly forget that we are creators, we tend to create from what we are shown from outside of ourselves. It’s like a movie projector and camera all in one, where it films what it sees, and then projects it into our reality, into the life that we are living. All of our external experiences, they are all a projection. And then, all of this stuff that is projected, is filmed, and then projected again the next day, next year or whenever. If we are unconscious about our creator potential, then this can continue in a loop indefinitely. It is really hard to break the patterns that we simultaneously project and film, unless we are aware that we are doing this, and that we are in charge of this technology. 

One way to stop this is to first clear the film that is in the projector. Even though it has just seen something, wipe whatever was filmed away, so that the film is blank. There are many methods to do this, for example, meditations where you allow thoughts to drift in and then back out without attachment are very helpful. 

I myself was shown that this was happening for me a little while back, by my higher self? My guides? I’m not sure, but I allowed for it because I knew it was a very good idea! I saw that all of my expectations, the kind that fulfill themselves, were being cleared, so that I could move forward with a blank slate, or a clear projector, to continue with the metaphor.

As the film in the projector is wiped clean, I wonder now, where will the new projections come from, if not from past experiences? As old assumptions about how life works fade, now that we can no longer assume that a+b=c as it did in the past, where will our new creations be coming from? It feels like being in limbo at the moment, and no, not that kind where I’m bending over backwards under a bamboo rod at a tiki party. 


It feels a bit empty, like being in a giant hall that is just waiting to be decorated. 

So now the question being asked is, what do you want? If you could base your desires off of something brand new, not what you can expect based on what you’ve been given and what you’ve been able to create in the past, what would they be? Free will takes on a whole new meaning at this point. 


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