Designer of Farm Equipment ~ A Hypnotic Dream Lab Session

This is an interesting session I had, which Andreea facilitated. I can't remember what was going through my heart and mind when I had this session, what the problem was that I wanted solving. Sometimes I just forget the problem after it has been "solved". 

So in this session, I found myself as a man, a very smart guy, and very helpful guy. I/he was very focused on helping his fellow man to be happy, even during the most mundane and/or strenuous tasks.
He looks at the workers and describes their "humanness" as something that inspires him. I wonder, who was he, to have to look outside of himself to observe human needs? Was he not human? and if he was not, who was he? 
Which brings to my mind the question, does a human body make us human? Is that all it takes? I know that there are souls here from many many different places, other than this place we know as Gaia. And somehow, we/they can just take form here on Earth, and hide in plain site, even though we are not "Earthlings". At what point can we be considered humans? Right away? Or after several thousands of physical incarnations in a human body? 
I mean, another question is, what is this human body? Who created this technology? And if the answer is someone off-world, than, this confuses the issue even more.
My body, Miss Elisa Rose's body, the body what defines me, how did it get here? Many many mothers back, and who were the fathers that made vital contributions, and what were they trying to achieve? What evidence is in me? Is anyone around to observe whether or not they were successful? Am I evidence of success? 
Back to this man though, the designer of farm equipment. The curious man who was focused on doing things "right", doing things well. Because why wouldn't you? Why would you be here on Earth, with this fantastic opportunity, why would you waste it on... I was going to say, being a celebrity for example, but, that could also be an opportunity to do things right, and well. 
Most people don't really make an effort to do things well because they are so busy trying to survive. Which is why it's remarkable when someone does make a focused effort.
This guy, our designer, also makes an effort to stay humble. To not let his success go to his head. By doing that, he finds it easier to see other's intentions clearer, to know better who he can trust and who is the snake. Not to disrespect snakes, but, I personally wouldn't want to go into a business partnership with one, and neither did the designer. 
My take away message from this was not so much as advice, but rather a reflection of what I was/am already doing, which is pulling from my own higher knowing to design more ways for people to love their life.


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