Past Life Story ~ A Chief ~ QHHT Session

I was a chief, a tribe leader, somewhere in the land that some, but not I, called America. I spoke to the elements, the birds and all of nature, and they spoke back, helping me to make decisions to lead my people. This was normal, and I was particularly skilled at it. I could read both people and the sky just as easily. 

One day I took a group of men running down a hill side, as I had sensed something strange coming. We stopped just out of sight of some people below, careful not to be seen as we peered down at them. 

They were very odd. The weather was warm, but they were covered in clothing from head to toe, whereas I was wearing only a small skin to cover my genitals. They came with a few covered wagons, clearly intending to travel a long distance, probably trying to get to somewhere they had never been. And now they were lost, in my territory. 

We thought it was very funny. We laughed and made jokes about the light skinned tribe, but we did not help. We had heard stories about their erratic behaviour, how they would often become violent for no apparent reason. From my perspective, it was clear if someone was a friend or not, and I thought, these people do not seem to have this knowing within them. I wanted to avoid them completely. 

So, we left the people there to fend for themselves. I could have shown them the way through the rocks. It would have been hard for them to figure it out on their own, but I didn't care. It was not my business. I went back to my people, and went on with my life as their chief. 

Fast forward to the present life, and I am having a QHHT session, seeing all this. When my higher self was asked one of the questions I had brought in, I honestly can't remember what it was exactly, something about feeling that certain people (maybe the "straight" world?)  are "others" and feeling like I would never be like that. It was then pointed out that in that life, I had seen these white people as "others" and had decided not to interact with them, therefor avoiding an experience that would have provided growth for my soul. 

If I had gone down there, looked them in the in the eye, with the knowing I reserved for my own people "I am you, you are me", I would have understood our oneness at the deeper levels, despite our apparent differences. But as it was, I remained ignorant, and perpetuated the idea of separation between us. 

After the QHHT session, I decided to investigate what would have happened if I had done things differently in that lifetime. While in a relaxed state, I visualized myself as the chief going down to the people, looking them in the eye, giving them the chance to see me as a helper. What I see immediately is a thinly disguised fear and distrust as they reluctantly agree to follow me. 

As I walk in front of them, my hands empty of weapon, I feel them arming themselves. They are unable to fully trust me, and I accept this, as I continue to lead them through the rocks. I don't turn around to look at their weapons. If they saw that I saw them, their fear and defensiveness would have grown. So I walk on, only the back of my almost naked body visible to them. 

When it is apparent that I have led them through safely to the other side, I send their attention in one direction, while I slip into a crevice in the other direction, seemingly disappearing into thin air.

As I return to my people,  I still feel that fear and it is strange and irrational, and although I don't enjoy the sensation it fills me with, I am curious about it. I feel the need to understand it further, even though it doesn't make any sense.

I realize that while I am distracted by this feeling, I cannot hear the wind as well, and my leadership skills are impaired. Others seem irritated and uneasy around me, and I realize I can't help my people like I used to, and in fact my presence is now causing problems. I need to leave, and to cleanse myself with fire, and so, I decide to isolate myself for a time, until I am free of this fear. 

The cleansing and isolation go on for a while, and my tribe goes on without me. I wonder if I made the right choice, helping the light skinned tribe, and it doesn't seem so clear now. 

Observing this afterwards, I thought, I did make the right choice in that life originally. I did what was right for my people at that time. That was my duty in that lifetime, and sometimes, the soul's desire for growth takes a back seat the immediate human needs. Or perhaps, there was growth in a different direction that was also just as important, and there was no right or wrong choice. Just consequences to be dealt with at another time, possibly in another life, and it was all okay. 


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