Thoughts of Reality vs the Reality of Thoughts

 Each morning i wake up and write and often i ask for something exciting and inspiring to come through. When I get something good, I feel accomplished. I can add some more information to my bank of good stuff. Of smart stuff. I like being smart. I like "getting it". I like connecting dots, and seeing things in new ways. 

A few days ago, what I got was on the subject of creating your own reality. I had also journalled some bitching about someone who appears to be causing me grief and a few other odds and ends such as my career path, trying to figure out what was going on and what I felt like I needed to do next. And it all came back to the idea of creating my own reality.

I had asked the question , how do I create the reality I want? It turned out the answer was in the question, and i just needed to put it into action. The first step  is to know and imagine what reality I truly resonate with, and clarify it for myself. 

The next step, however, was what not to do. Do not let other people's realities become mine. I suddenly realized that, it is so easy to unconsciously absorb other people's reality. For example, if someone criticizes you, and you care about what they say, you may be hurt, or you may change your behavior, even if you hadn't previously thought you had a problem. If you watch the news, you can easily take on the heaviness of whatever you're hearing, and go through your day believing things are hopeless. When you drink alcohol you can easily start acting like whoever you are with, and their reality will for a time become yours, and vice versa. 

It's not that you can control what happens in your day, but you can change your attitude about it. Yes, all of these things have been said before, but, I only just internalized my understanding of this on a deeper level, and I hope to be able to communicate something new on the subject. Gratitude plays a key role to how you experience your day, and staying out of judgement (for self or others). 

Another key is awareness. Meditation in the morning, clearing your thoughts, or at least calmly observing them and remaining unattached to them, is helpful for figuring out what is yours and what is others. Most thoughts are not yours, they were just thought at one point by someone somewhere in time and they still float around in the collective consciousness, available to be taken personally. but they're not personal. And you don't need to own a thought just because it floats through your mind. A useful thought is one that is expansive for you, in the moment. That's it. Leave the rest. 

Awareness allows you to know yourself. And knowing yourself will show you what is not you, what is someone or something else. It will allow you to see clearly the difference between the reality you want to create and what others want to create for you. 

People aren't necessarily aware of trying to make you take on their reality, but it happens all the time. Have you ever tried to convince someone of something that they weren't readily accepting? You were trying to get them to take on your reality. This is another thing to NOT do, when you are seriously on the path of consciously creating your own reality. The fact is, you will never be able to create someone else's reality and attempting to do so will be draining. It will probably lead to creating more unhealthy cords with this other person, which will continue to drain you until you chop them off, or whatever you to do clear attachments.

I don't know whose thoughts these are, but they make me feel smart to think them. 

*I actually wrote the draft of this last March but I only finished it and posted it today because I forgot about it because I have been neglecting my blog!!!!


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