Sounds Simple Enough

I have a front row seat to many amazing occurrences. Each QHHT session is a miracle, no matter how it goes, whether it’s a crazy deep, emotional ride for the client or an interesting life on another planet. It is always cool, in some way or another. 

Sometimes I think, that person just got the best advice from their Super Conscious, so perfect just for them. And sometimes I think, wow, everyone needs to hear that! When I think everyone needs to hear something, it is because I think, if everyone took the advice to heart, what a kind and loving world this would be! In seems so simple, so easy. 
We all have free will, we can all either take or leave advice, whether it comes from our own Higher Self or someone else’s. 

In a session a few months back, the client went through 3 different lives (maybe past, maybe timeless) and was told in each life or place, to be kind. To just be. To be yourself. I don't know why this struck me as being important to share, but it did. I may transcribe the important parts and post them here at a later date. 

Be kind. Be yourself. These sentiments are not new, but they do bear repeating, as they are so basic, and can have such a long reaching impact. In a way they feel new, because although we are told to play nice as kids, the world at large didn't demonstrate this to us very well. Nor did it encourage us to be ourselves, as we were taught as children to follow adult rules, rather than to follow the guidance within us.

Being kind and being yourself are not mutually exclusive. As far as being kind to yourself goes, you can't get much kinder than expressing your authentic self. If you don't know who that is then it would be a very kind gesture to oneself to uncover that and see who's there. You'll also be doing yourself a big favour by discarding that which is inauthentic and troublesome. 

While there is so much I could say about being kind and being yourself, it really needs no further explanation. No justification. It's just good. It makes sense. Does it ever not make sense? Could you really imagine a time when it didn't make sense? Like, I know that while living in a seemingly unfair world where people lie and steal, it would make sense to also lie and steal. But you don't have to. You can have boundaries. 

I'm not sure which world we are in now. I suspect we are somewhere between both, so that we can choose which way we want to go. If we believe we are in a world of unconditional support, ease and joy, then it is easy to be kind. It is easy to be ourselves because we will be appreciated for our uniqueness. If we believe we are being undermined at every turn, then it might make more sense to continue to undermine and get the advantage over other people, rather than to cooperate, give assistance and ask for assistance.

Be kind. Be yourself. Just be. It bears repeating. 


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