QHHT Session ~ First Incarnation on Earth

I had a wonderful QHHT session with a client who is incarnated on Earth for the first time. There is an in depth exploration of this in Dolores Cannon’s “The New Earth and the Three Waves of Volunteers”, which was the first book of hers that I read, and which I loved and really resonated with. Not that I am a first timer here on Earth, but definitely a Volunteer. I felt very honoured to have this session. 

When she speaks about her reason for coming to Earth, it almost brings me to tears. I also especially love the part about saying no to something/someone that doesn’t resonate with us, and how it relates to growth. At the end she talks about healing ancestral timelines using quantum physics. Very inspiring.

The following session is a transcription of segments of her session, that I thought needed to be shared, and is done so with the generous permission of the client. It takes place under hypnosis, using the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique as pioneered and taught by Dolores Cannon. It usually begins with a past life regression, but what if there’s no past incarnation?

(Note: I didn't specify who is saying what, so in case it's not clear, I am the one asking the questions, the client answering.)

The client started off seeing nothing, and kept seeing nothing for quite a long time. Except for a visit from some cute little greys who did a “drive by” while she “waited”, she just kept seeing nothing. Finally it was apparent that this nothing was something. She was part of everything, so there was nothing outside of herself, and she’d had no experience of anything to compare herself to. I was eventually able to help her to see herself leave that space.

You’ve left that place, you’ve moved away and you’ve gone somewhere.

It’s like I was just shot out of a cannon towards Earth.

Tell me what that looks like?

It looks so stupid (laugh).

Tell me what that’s like, you’re in a body?


Just in me, just in Liz.

What does that feel like?

Feels weird.

Weird how?

You just don’t like it. It’s like, limited, but it’s also nice I guess, I’m trying to like it.

Do you know why you’re in this body?

I just feel like crying.

That’s ok. Tell me what it feels like to be in this body, how it feels different.

It feels like something rather than nothing. When I’m in a body it feels tingly.

As opposed to when you’re in that space?

It’s just nothing.

So why did you leave that space?

I guess I just had to.

Did you want to?

Hm, indifferent.

You felt like you had to?

I was just kind of, told to? 

Do you know who told you?

Not really, not like a person, it was just my time to come.

Do you remember making the decision? Were you asked if you wanted to come?


Do you remember that?

A litte.

Tell me what you remember? What were you told about where you were going?


Was it hard to leave?

It wasn’t hard to leave, it was hard to see what was happening here.

Tell me what you know about that

It’s just so sad. It’s just so sad, (sobs loudly) what humans have done to this planet. And what they do to each other. It’s so hard to just watch it and not be able to do anything. 

Is that why you made the decision to come here?

I just had to!

Did you know what you could do when you came here?

I just had to come and try. 

Did you have a sense of how you could help?

I watch. I watch a lot. I know why, I understand why, but it doesn’t make it okay. 

Tell me what you understand

(Still sobbing) It’s just so sad. I just don’t know how… how anything can hurt another thing. So hard to watch. Even… even the bugs, when people hurt bugs it’s like they’re hurting everything, they just think they’re not worth anything. It’s all life and it all deserves to be respected!

So you made the decision to come to Earth… what did you think you could do here?

Just help, and help to raise the vibrations. Help to plant seeds.

What kind of seeds?

Help to plant seeds in people. Seeds of love and kindness and peace. It’s like people don’t understand peace here (sobs) and what it could be like. Even the nothingness is better than here sometimes. And not in her body, just watching and, how people treat each other. And being in a body helps me understand why. When you live it you can understand why these things happen because, you can see the programs, and how everyone, how no one is wrong.

Because everyone is just following the program?

Yeah. We need to make the program pure. (crying)

How do we do that?

Just, children, and they’re not given the opportunity to be themselves, and people, how they’re not given the opportunity to be themselves, they’re just based on a program. 

(Later, asking about her eating habits/digestive issues. Her tone is much more impersonal as I am speaking with the Super Conscious now.)

… The reminder is earth, that it is a program to want sugar. That it is a way to control the humans. (sigh). Just, annoyed. Some of it she can’t even control. You can’t control what’s in your air. Even organic has things… It’s just a sad time right now. 

Organic foods have things from the air?

Mmhmm. Glysophate, polution. Chemicals. Even organic, just because you don’t spray it on doesn’t mean it’s not there, that it’s not present. We can transmute these things but we have to be conscious. Thoughtfulness. Communicate with your food. Bless your food, be grateful. This is not just for her, this is for everyone. 

(Later, when asking about her feet, she talks about peace instead.)

Everybody thinks they’re right. You can’t change that. I speak not to her but, in general. It’s a hard lesson for humans to learn. We all think that we’re right, (laughs). Everyone thinks that they’re right, and they are, because that is their reality because they create their reality from their programming. But. If everyone knew that love existed, and peace existed, this would be a very different planet. (Laughing) I wouldn’t even be here. 

What can you tell me about peace?

Peace is, looking around you and being grateful and absorbing everything. This one cries on her drive to work, just at the pure beauty of the Earth. If everyone felt, just a drop of the peace that she has felt, the world could be different. 

Does she plant seeds of that peace? 

She does… people are drawn to her. It’s annoying at times. 

Is that when people ask things of her? (Mmhmm). And she can’t say no? 

Mmhmm. She must learn that saying no has nothing to do with peace. Peace for her, not peace for the planet.

Explain that.

If she says no to someone’s suggestion, when she does not feel it is in resonating frequency, it in turn makes that person go inward. When she complies, that person gets what they want, and growth is limited.  

So by saying no in that situation, it promotes peace?

Growth, more so. Growth is a channeled peace. 

… Is there anything else she needs to know, so that she can say no when things are not in resonance? 

(She doesn’t speak for about 10 seconds, then says, “We are rewiring” and is silent for a bit more.)

… So you’ve done some rewiring, can you tell me about that?

Putting in the consciousness to open up doors and explain why one says no. By expressing your feeling behind the no, then others are able to resonate more.

With the no?

Yes. Heartfelt, not made up excuses. When she opens up, it makes people realize that they can open up, and that must be normalized. 

(Later, re: skin/liver issues)

Skin and liver are connected. It is something she inherited in the DNA. Mm, family trauma. It was activated through trauma as a child. Liver is not of her own doing, as she does not drink. 

So what is causing it?

Father. Grandfathers. Uncles. Aunts. Generations, generations, generations. Of abuse.

What kind of abuse?

All of the kinds. And they find… peace in the bottle. It is doing better, we will work on it. 

Why does she experience it?

So that she can do ancestral work, and heal the timelines. 

Can she/you do that now? 

Yes, as she does the work.

(After a long pause) … As she does the work, consciously. We’ve done all what we can for the timelines. Healed, nurtured, sent love to all of the timelines.

And what does she need to do?

Heal and nurture herself, love herself.

In anyway in particular?

In all ways.

Can you tell me more about that?

… It is hard to explain. It is part of her history. The words are hard to explain. It is part of why she is here.

So, part of her soul history?

Mm, not soul, physical DNA. It is like, when one opens themselves up to timelines, and quantum physics, we are able to heal. If enough humans do this, we can heal timelines, and shift consciousness so that the Earth is in a different place. Like, mm, switching reality. 


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