Life Review

When we die, we look back at our life and review the lessons learned, or not learned, and the purpose for living and experiencing what we did. We then work with our guides to decide what lessons we still need to learn, and work that into our next incarnation. 

Right now, there is a major shift happening in the Earth, everything on it, and within our own beings. Whether you feel that within or observe it around you or on the news, it is affecting everyone. Many things that were before will be no more, whether they dissolve and disappear completely or reappear in higher more loving forms, nothing will be the same, in the coming times. We will be changed, and therefor everything around us will change, if only because we see it differently with our changed perspective.

This is an excellent time to review what has been in our life, just as we do after we leave our body. We can do it right here, right now, and then decide how we want to move forward with this very life we are living. For example, we may wish to change our attitudes to allow for more ease to enter our lives and all of our endeavours. We may wish to put more energy towards our own dreams, rather than supporting others’ visions, or we may wish to give back to our community more, and join with others to make things awesome for more people. 

Looking inward is vital, as that is where the deepest and most honest answers are found. It is something we can trust, because it is not anyone else’s agenda we are following. When we learn to trust our own inner voice, we need not fear other people’s opinions of us, because our own connection to our higher self, and by extension, our source, is strengthened. Our need to control other people weakens, as are other’s attempts to control us. We will likely realize that we have the ability to create whatever we need for ourself, and when requested with honesty and transparency, any help we need will come to us, maybe not how we are expecting it, but in some form that suits the greater good.

A QHHT session is a great opportunity to look within, to review what has past, to see the purpose of everything, seemingly good or bad, that has happened to you, and to see what lessons you wanted to learn by creating these circumstances in your life. If something still feels painful, whether emotionally, physically or spiritually, it means the message still hasn’t been received, the lesson not yet learned. Asking our higher selves, or our Super Conscious for the answers, helps us to learn these lessons, so that we can easily release the emotions that we have stored in our bodies, and heal any and all corresponding symptoms. 

As this shift happens within and around us, we can take charge of our realities by owning our life, and owning our creations. When we review our life and let go of anything that is not working, anything not loving to ourselves, including being not loving to others, and embrace the different potentials that exist within each one of us, we will create a vastly improved present and future.

Whether we are just embarking on adulthood, in a midlife transition or nearing the end of a physical incarnation, a review can be useful at any stage of your life. To consciously step into adulthood and ask, who do I want to be and how can I be that person? What can I learn from my childhood, what can I take with me into the future and what can I leave behind? In our midlife, which corresponds with the placement of the planet Uranus opposing the placement of Uranus in or natal astrological chart, we may find that we no longer resonate with the beliefs, actions or environment that we identified with our personality in the past. We may find ourselves attracted to something very different for ourselves and wonder why? And ask, is this right for me? When nearing the end of our life, we may wish to forgive ourselves and others, and clear everything that can so that we don't have to bring these lessons into our next life. 

These are just some examples of times in our lives when a review can be useful, but of course, a relationship breakup, death of a loved one or a loss of employment can also trigger our need to look within and ask, what has been, and what is next?

This transitional time on the Earth is a good time to do a life review. With all the seeming chaos around us, and so many things unknown and "up in the air", instead of letting the "chips fall where they may", we can decide where we want the chips to fall, and we can envision that and consciously work towards it. We now have the opportunity to create the reality that we truly desire. 


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