Remote Hypnosis ~ Shuruppak and the Great Flood

These Remote Hypnosis sessions are done with volunteer hypnosis subjects, using past life regression methods, in an attempt to view ancient civilizations. In this session, the target location is the ancient Sumerian city of Shuruppak. The land was destroyed by the Great Flood. In this session, the subject finds herself in a land which is flooded, and observes the emotional reaction of the land itself. *** What do you see? I've gone somewhere. Travel. By plane. I'm going to some place that has old buildings. Interesting architecture. Tell me what you notice. A church. Stone, ornate. Any shapes or symbols stand out? There are spires. Pointy rooftops and very sculptural but very Gothic looking, so, sharp points and ornate. What is it about this church that's important to know? What is it really… I am here to understand what it is and it's not what it seems to be. How do you receive the information of what it really is? I've touched it. And what did ...