
Showing posts from January, 2021

QHHT Session ~ First Incarnation on Earth

I had a wonderful QHHT session with a client who is incarnated on Earth for the first time. There is an in depth exploration of this in Dolores Cannon’s “The New Earth and the Three Waves of Volunteers”, which was the first book of hers that I read, and which I loved and really resonated with. Not that I am a first timer here on Earth, but definitely a Volunteer. I felt very honoured to have this session.   When she speaks about her reason for coming to Earth, it almost brings me to tears. I also especially love the part about saying no to something/someone that doesn’t resonate with us, and how it relates to growth. At the end she talks about healing ancestral timelines using quantum physics. Very inspiring. The following session is a transcription of segments of her session, that I thought needed to be shared, and is done so with the generous permission of the client. It takes place under hypnosis, using the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique as pioneered and taught by Dolores...

Life Review

When we die, we look back at our life and review the lessons learned, or not learned, and the purpose for living and experiencing what we did. We then work with our guides to decide what lessons we still need to learn, and work that into our next incarnation.  Right now, there is a major shift happening in the Earth, everything on it, and within our own beings. Whether you feel that within or observe it around you or on the news, it is affecting everyone. Many things that were before will be no more, whether they dissolve and disappear completely or reappear in higher more loving forms, nothing will be the same, in the coming times. We will be changed, and therefor everything around us will change, if only because we see it differently with our changed perspective. This is an excellent time to review what has been in our life, just as we do after we leave our body. We can do it right here, right now, and then decide how we want to move forward with this very life we are living. ...