
QHHT® Sessions with Elisa Rose Shaw

About Elisa Rose: I am a Level 2 practitioner of QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®, a technique developed by the late, great Dolores Cannon. I began to study and practice QHHT in 2020, and quickly found myself at home and “in my zone” conducting QHHT sessions. To be able to converse with such a beautiful, high energy aspect of a person is such an honour and joy. As a way of diving deeper into the practice of understanding the ways that we create our reality, I took Julia Cannon’s Soul Speak course. Using the method she teaches as a starting point, I expanded on it and developed a technique to assist clients to go deep within to explore the body and receive messages from their higher self or soul, and whoever else may show up with a message. I will never pretend to have the answers for you, but I will do my best to help you to find them for yourself. As I support you in accessing that part of you that knows all of the answers, I do what I call “mining for gold”, going as deep a...

Remote Hypnosis ~ Shuruppak and the Great Flood

These Remote Hypnosis sessions are done with volunteer hypnosis subjects, using past life regression methods, in an attempt to view ancient civilizations. In this session, the target location is the ancient Sumerian city of Shuruppak. The land was destroyed by the Great Flood. In this session, the subject finds herself in a land which is flooded, and observes the emotional reaction of the land itself. *** What do you see? I've gone somewhere. Travel. By plane.  I'm going to some place that has old buildings. Interesting architecture.   Tell me what you notice.   A church. Stone, ornate.   Any shapes or symbols stand out?   There are spires. Pointy rooftops and very sculptural but very Gothic looking, so, sharp points and ornate.   What is it about this church that's important to know? What is it really… I am here to understand what it is and it's not what it seems to be. How do you receive the information of what it really is? I've touched it. And what did ...

Remote Hypnosis ~ A Messenger in the Jungle near Puma Punku

This is a session segment of a Remote Hypnosis session where we attempt to travel to the target of Puma Punku. It is the third session out of three with this location as the target, all with different volunteer "quantum explorers".  This was conducted with my friend Reyes from Spain. She saw herself in a jungle in the Americas, as a man in a life of service, with a strong connection to nature. *** What’s the first thing you notice? It's dark. It’s a bit chilly. It's like, fire. There’s a fire, to get warm. Or a feeling, I just feel it. On the left side. I’m getting warm. It was chilly. I’m just coming from a chilly place, shivering a bit.   I’m in a forest. Wow, my body is having goosebumps. I’m not quite sure if it is because I was shivering, it’s confusing. I’m feeling fine, I have a blanket on me. I’m feeling, like a wave, a sensation in my body. It’s good. I’m fine, I’m fine.   It’s quite dark. There are people around but I can’t see faces. Not many, maybe a group...

Remote Hypnosis ~ Resilience and Holding the Light

In this Remote Hypnosis session segment, which is the second out of three sessions with the target of Puma Punku, the subject feels as though she might be in the Middle East.  At the time of the session, there is a lot of action in that part of the world that is of great concern to her and many other people. In the scene that she is looking at, she sees and senses  the land symbolically representing the hard times the people had endured and then the better times, with the images of hard brown packed earth giving way to flowing water and grass. My questions are italicized. We're going to the target 2934b2, you're there now, tell me the first thing that you  notice. I think I see sand but I also felt like I saw a river.  Any colors associated with what you're looking at? Brown, but I feel like I also see some green.   Are there plants growing around? What is the green?   Grass, yeah. Some grass, more like off to the side but first sand and browns, beiges. May...