Putting Away Books at the Akashic Library

Have you ever wondered what you do between physical incarnations? Well, I am very curious about such things, and luckily, with my QHHT (quantum healing hypnosis technique) work, I sometimes have the opportunity to find out. While the client is in a relaxed trance state, I will have them explore a past life, right up until their death in that life. Afterwards, I will sometimes ask where they go next. Often a person will hop into another lifetime, and off we go with that, but occasionally they will get a glimpse of what happens after the death and before they are born again into another body. Recently, a QHHT client was exploring a very difficult life, where she was a man living in the middle ages, who carried many heavy rocks, ate very poorly and generally lived a life of servitude. His most exciting day was when he was chosen to be part of a hunt, with a group of people that would bang in the bushes in order to frighten out the wildlife. He himself was not allowed to hunt ...