Past Life Story ~ A Chief ~ QHHT Session

I was a chief, a tribe leader, somewhere in the land that some, but not I, called America. I spoke to the elements, the birds and all of nature, and they spoke back, helping me to make decisions to lead my people. This was normal, and I was particularly skilled at it. I could read both people and the sky just as easily. One day I took a group of men running down a hill side, as I had sensed something strange coming. We stopped just out of sight of some people below, careful not to be seen as we peered down at them. They were very odd. The weather was warm, but they were covered in clothing from head to toe, whereas I was wearing only a small skin to cover my genitals. They came with a few covered wagons, clearly intending to travel a long distance, probably trying to get to somewhere they had never been. And now they were lost, in my territory. We thought it was very funny. We laughed and made jokes about the light skinned tribe, but we did not help. We had heard stori...